About Håvard
I was born in Trondheim in 1964, and I am the youngest of 5 siblings.
I am educated as Engineer in electronics and had various jobs in this field over the years: Sonarofficer on Submarines in the Navy, Communications engineer in the armed forces; FLO IKT, Seismic Navigator in Geco Prakla, IT Manager in Teekay Petrojarl and materials controller onboard the FPSO Petrojarl Knarr, operated by Teekay Petrojarl (Now Altera Infrastructure). Now I work as Production- and logistics Coordinator at Salsnes Filter AS, making filter machines for waste water.
I have lived in Trondheim, Horten, Bergen, Trondheim, Alta, Trondheim, Spillum, Trondheim and Spillum in that order .
I took over the farm in 2006 and have lived there since 2007. The farm has been in the family for many generations. My house was built in 1887, after drawings of a Californian bungalow my great grandfather brought back from working in coppermines in Butte, Montana.
I have also taken education as a Ranger and also finished a bachelorate "Nature management", at HiNT Steinkjer.
My hobbies are gardening, hunting, fishing and general outdoors activities.
I also have a project tracing my ancestors, but it is some years since I was active with this. Some of it can be found on my genealogy page.
I have two sons, Håkon (1997) and Magnus (2011)
About Kung
I was born in Thailand in 1975 and I am the youngest of 6 siblings. I have 3 grown children. I have mostly worked as a hairdresser, before I moved to Norway and married Håvard in 2022. I like to cook and be social. I am studying Norwegian language and have started to work also.
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